Webinar platform for all your webinar needs

Webinar platform
Personalized webinar platform
Ready-to-use templates and easy-to-use editor to help you build the webinar platform
Interactive webinar platform

Interactive webinar platform

Liveto’s webinar platform contains everything you need for interactive webinar! You can organize simple and small webinars or larger webinar sets with different communication tools. Liveto’s webinar platform is perfect for longer webinar sets, for example if you held webinar for every two weeks, because you can multiply the platform to use more than once and save time.
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All you need, for example…

Login Options

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Choose the right log in options for your webinar. Free entry with log in, log in with Liveto account, log in with secret link or identify the registartions. All of these are login options when you use Liveto’s platform! For attendees all of them are easy and don’t require special IT skills.

Desired Number of Virtual Rooms

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With Liveto you can decide the number, names, visual aspects and content of the rooms – everything can be personalized! Lobby, event organizer’s room, webinar stream or recordings and materials.

Chat, Private Messages and Private Video Calls

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Attendees and event organizers can communicate easily in chat. Names and quantity of the chats are up to the event organizer. Private messages and video calls make one-to-one communication easy and effortless between the attendees, organizers and partners.


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From Liveto you will find great tools for engagement for interactive webinars. Polls, engagement score, meeting invites and group video discussion with breakout rooms make sure that the experience won’t be passive.


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Webinar data made understandable. Download reports straight from Liveto and measure your webinar’s success.

They, too, trust Liveto

Get it Now:

Webinar Platform at Your disposal

from 249

/ month

or from 399 € / event

Request demo
A branded webinar platform
Live streams and recordings
And much more…

Webinar Platform that is Easy to Personalize

All aspects of Liveto’s webinar platform can be personalized according to the brand and size of the webinar. Choose the features and tools that are suitable for your webinar and create a meaningful experience for the attendees!
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Interactive Experience

All communication and networking is easy on Liveto’s webinar platform! Chat, private messages and video calls, group discussions and other features make sure that no one is left alone and bored in your webinar. We will help you to choose the right engagement and networking tools for your webinar!
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Easy-to-use Editor

Ever dreamed of building your own webinar platform? With us you can make those dreams come true! Liveto’s own webinar platform editor is so easy to use that you don’t need any programming skills. To help you build the platform of your dreams, we gift you ready-to-use templates and layouts for spectacular webinars. Or, if your hands are already full, our Customer Success Managers are happy to build the platform for you – it’s your decision!
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Tools to Create the Best Webinar Platform

Event Industry Professionals at Your Service

Liveto’s staff are all professionals from the event industry with years of experience. We are proud to say that Liveto’s knowledge is highly respected especially when it comes to webinars.

Best One in the Industry

Organizing webinars has never been this easy or fast! From our various features and tools you can choose the ones you need. Don’t forget we offer more than just a webinar platform, do you need for example registration tools?

Unforgettable Experiences

Who said that it is hard to create experiences from webinars? We don’t deny challenges that may occur but we offer the solutions. Excellent customer journey, memorable details and interactive elements are key factors in making webinars. With us you will succeed!
Picture of the person that is quoted
Really useful and a great tool!
Teija Eeva Development Manager / Finnish institute for health and welfare

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