Internal events

Safe and user-friendly event platform for your companies or organizations internal events

Safe and user-friendly – you decide who gets in

Liveto’s service is a safe and user-friendly event platform for your companies or organizations internal events. We understand the importance of privacy and information security and therefore take your privacy very seriously.

With Liveto you can create private event pages, hidden from internet’s search engines. You can share the link to the private page on your internal communication to only the people you want. Virtual event entry can even be limited to specific emails to make sure your event stays private!

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Private and safe event platform

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Brand visibility

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Easy to use networking tools

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An event in the style of your brand that enable networking

In the center of internal events there are community, networking and visibility of the brand. These and many other features were taken into account when we created Liveto’s virtual event platform. Liveto offers the possibility for group discussions and networking right there on the platform, no need for other applications.

From the virtual platform you can find several features that were designed to make the networking as easy as the abc. We help you to create an event that feels and looks like your company.

Marketing illustration or image related to the text content

Want to know how we can meet your event’s needs?

Contact us and let’s start something amazing!

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What’s next?

Interested but got some questions? Our rock solid Customer Success -team answers all your questions and helps you towards a successful event.